+996 312 41-88-77


Rustel Company renders the following warehouse services both at its own and leased warehouses:

  • Safe storage of goods (multitier shelves, floor storage);
  • Mechanized and manual loading and unloading operations;
  • Pallet, box, piece selection (picking) of orders;
  • Re-packing, packing, co-packing, METRO units, marking, pre-sale preparation;
  • Possibility of stock accounting by batches;
  • Various shipment principles (FEFO, FIFO, LEFО, LIFO), control of remaining shelf life;
  • Submission of WMS reports;
  • Preparation of accompanying documents;
  • Holding regular and selective inventories;
  • Stock management;
  • Round-the-clock operation of warehouses.


Safe storage is a complex logistic service on storage, maintenance and processing of goods which allows considerably reducing temporary and financial expenses for warehouse services. Safe storage at highly equipped warehouses located in Bishkek, Osh and Jalal-Abad cities totally eliminates the necessity for the customer to construct, equip and maintain its own warehouses and provides goods turnover within required terms and with minimum participation of the customer.
Modern and fully equipped wide-space warehouses allow storing goods of any size. The goods are stored in the territory of the warehouse under the control of the security service. Therefore, the customer has no reasons to worry about safety of its goods. Safe storage includes rendering of the entire range of accompanying services, such as:

  1. Loading and unloading operations: loading and unloading of goods at the warehouse (from the warehouse) in pallets, boxes and pieces, oversized goods by weight and size;
  2. Acceptance of goods by pallets, boxes and pieces;
  3. Storage of goods at the warehouse in places equipped with necessary facilities and on European trays. The tray height is 1500 mm and 1800 mm. Storage of oversized goods.

 Services on additional processing of goods, namely:

  • Selection of Customer’s orders;
  • Goods marking and labeling;
  • Re-packing;
  • Goods sorting;
  • Transport sealing;
  • Palletizing of pallets with stretch film;
  • Holding inventories;
  • Other operations agreed with the customer.

DRY WAREHOUSES of Rustel Company fully comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic for provision of full safety of various types of goods:

  • Temperature control;
  • Modern ventilation systems;
  • Fire-fighting systems;
  • Anti-theft and anti-intrusion systems;
  • Video surveillance system and guards;
  • Automated inventory control systems.


Versatile multi-temperature warehouses have become very popular today. In this type of chambers various products can be stored, including: frozen and chilled products (meat, poultry, fruit and vegetables), drinks, pastry and other goods which should be stored at a dry warehouse:

  • Three independent chambers, 3000 m3 each;
  • Wide range of temperatures: from +30 to – 30 °C;
  • High speed of goods processing;
  • Loadhouse;
  • Modern warehouse equipment and automated control systems;
  • Ceiling height: 13 m;
  • Floor covering: anti-dust concrete;
  • Floor loading: 8 t/sq.m;
  • Advanced security and temperature control systems;
  • Shelf storage.

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